

网友分享:关于乒乓球的英文介绍:Table tennis is a worldwide popular sport, including attack, confrontation and defense. The competition is divided into groups, singles and doubles. Table tennis is China's national sport.。


在19世纪的后半叶,乒乓球就以其现在的名字或其他商业名流行于英国,比如: GOSSIMA, WHIFF-WHAFF。而当乒乓这个名字被J.Jaques&Son引进之后,乒乓球就开始越来越受欢迎。Now, competitive table tennis is popular in Asi。


要打乒乓球,你需要有两个球拍(每人一个)、一张乒乓球台,一个球网 table-tennis:n.乒乓球 tabletennisball:n.乒乓球 tabletennisbats:乒乓球拍,还可以讲:racquet(网球拍,也可以指乒乓球拍)tabletennistable:乒乓球。


tennis ball,the game to 11 points as a board,using five games three wins or four games seven wins.乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目。乒乓球为圆球状,比赛以11分为一局,采用五局三胜或者七局四胜。

英文介绍乒乓球赛  第1张


tennis ball,the game to 11 points as a board,using five games three wins or four games seven wins.乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目。乒乓球为圆球状,比赛以11分为一局,采用五局三胜或者七局四胜。

英文介绍乒乓球赛  第2张

5、乒乓球介绍 英语

网友分享:the ping-pong can be regarded as world one sport, the whole world is near 4, 000 myriad peoples be engaged in should exercise.The ping-pong entered Olympic game in 1988, but its most original shape is 。


ENLISH:乒乓介绍 乒乓球是一个运动起源于英国,在19世纪70年代,它被替换的草地网球的休闲运动休闲时间。今天,乒乓球已经成为一个体育赛事在高科技和高速degree.If的人口参与体育比赛,乒乓球,可视为运动中的世界,全球近40。

英文介绍乒乓球赛  第3张


篇一:乒乓球 What's your hobby?Do you know my hobby?Well,let me tell you.My hobby is playing ping-pong.I think that is very interesting.I play it every day.In our school,after class and after school。


网友分享:this the game on the dining table, turn into, develop very quickly ping-pong ball game, combine to roll up London, became a ping-pong the heat at that time.In honor of contrivance country,1926, the fir。


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