

网友分享:In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for h。

1、英语介绍排球 急急急急急!!! 要翻译!!!

In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport.排球 这项运动起源于美国,而现在只达到类型的人气,在美国它已接收在全球范围内,而排名仅次于足球当中参与体育活动。今天有超过4600万美国人玩排球。有8.00亿玩家全。

英语介绍排球运动  第1张



英语介绍排球运动  第2张


网友分享:In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for 。


A point is scored if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court, if the opponents commit a fault, or if they fail to return the ball properly。排球是一项团队运动,其中两支(比赛)球队的(每队)六。

英语介绍排球运动  第3张


网友分享:排球,球类运动项目之一,球场长方形,中间隔有高网,比赛双方(每方六人)各占球场的一方,球员用手把球从网上空打来打去。排球运动使用的球,用羊皮或人造革做壳,橡胶做胆,大小和足球相似。Volleyball, one of the ball。


网友分享:the beach volleyball is the easy charm of casual and lots of fun, at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the audience ratings survey, beach volleyball than any one project, top of the list,沙滩排球的基本规则、场地大。


网友分享:排球场地 volleyball court 鱼跃 fish dive 一方场区 court 钩手飘球 over float 对方场区 opponent's court 一次扣杀 direct spike 发球区 service area 上手传球 overarm pass 进攻线 attack line 钩手扣球 windmill smash。


网友分享:basketball篮球soccer ball英式足球volleyball排球tennis网球baseball棒球 。


Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or (rarely) other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the net. Each team is 。

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