

网友分享:回答和翻译如下 :艾伦今天在学校没有打篮球 。Alan didn't play basketball at school today .。


凯特没有篮球。Kate doesn't have a basketball.。


篮球:We don't have a basketball.We don't have basketballs.We have no basketball.蓝球把basketball(s)改为 blue ball(s)。

3、翻译 英语翻译 我们去打篮球吧 好呀,你有篮球吗 我没有,你有吗 我也

网友分享:Les' play basketball.Great!But do you have a basketball?NO.How about you?Nor do I.Then let's play ping pang instead.No,it is boring.What about playing soccer?。

今天没有篮球吗翻译,我的篮球在哪里翻译  第1张


I have footballs, but I have no basketballs.I have footballs, but I don't have any basketballs.I have a football, but I have no basketball.I have a football, but I don't have a basketball.。

5、翻译: 今天晚上那个会有篮球赛吗?是的,会有。

Is there going to be a basketball match tonight?yes there is 。

今天没有篮球吗翻译,我的篮球在哪里翻译  第2张


We don't play basketball today, but we play football.。

今天没有篮球吗翻译,我的篮球在哪里翻译  第3张


操场上没有一个篮球.翻译:There is not a basketball on the playground.。

8、“我没有足球和篮球”的翻译是什么? I don't have a soccer ball and a

首先,球类属于不可数名称,不能加冠词a。你可以说:I don't have the soccer ball and basketball 前面加a的,你们好好看看定冠词和不定冠词的用法 。

9、我今天不去打篮球了。 翻译

I am not going to play basketball today.。

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