

My favorite sport is basketball. Every morning I go to play it in our school gym. My P.E teacher told me that playing basketball would make me tall and strong. Because I play basketball well. Now I 。

1、一篇关于篮球的英语作文 80词左右

Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.Basketball is a team sport.The idea of the game is to shoot a ball through a basket.Usually,two teams of five players play on a c。

2、关于篮球的 英语单词词组

网友分享:大前锋(Power Forward)在队上担任的任务几乎都是以苦工为主,要抢篮板、防守、卡位都少不了他,但是要投篮、得分,他却经常是最后一个。所以说,大前锋可以算是篮球场上最不起眼的角色了。 我们先说说大前锋的职责好了,他的首要工作。

以篮球为例英语,篮球的英语翻译  第1张

3、一篇关于篮球的英语作文 80词左右

Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.Basketball is a team sport.The idea of the game is to shoot a ball through a basket.Usually,two teams of five players play on a c。


网友分享:Today, I would like to introduce a legendary star, Shaquille O'Neal is not my idol, nor is it the emperor Michael Jordan basketball is already a truly indomitable fighter - Alonzo Mourning Alonzo Mourning 92。


world.篮球是2个队,每队由5个运动员组成,通过把球投进3.048米高的篮筐和一定的规则,争取比另外一对得分高的运动.Points are scored by throwing the ball through the basket from above;the team with more points at。


网友分享:球场:court 例句:The two players entered the court hand in hand.两位运动员手拉手地进入球场。前锋:forwards 例句:ur forwards were asleep in the second half.我们的前锋在下半场都似乎睡着了。组织后卫。


网友分享:now,basketball is very interesting for many people . NBA is very famous in the world. so many people watch basketball games by tv .it make basketball very popular.basketball is very interesting for many 。

以篮球为例英语,篮球的英语翻译  第2张


网友分享:Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. Playing basketball can make people strong and health. And there are many people playing it now. Basketball match is also a project in the Olympic。

以篮球为例英语,篮球的英语翻译  第3张


I am in good health.我总是在早上和晚上打篮球。当然,“有志者事竟成”,不仅我的老师,而且我的同学都对我很好。另一方面,我身体很好。Because of that,I like basketball better than before.You also can see,。

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