

victor can't play basketball and football 我英语六级。不会错的。


He can't play basketball, also can't play football 他不能玩蓝球,也不能玩足球 。

2、3.我既不会打篮球,也不会踢足球 英语翻译,谢

网友分享:1. I want to go to play, he also to 2. I will not play ball, not he can 3. I can't play basketball, also don't play football 很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。有不明。

3、维克多不会打篮球也不会踢足球(英语怎么说) 比尔想加入艺术俱乐部 y又

victor can't play basketball and football 我英语六级.不会错的.。

他不会打篮球和足球英语,他不喜欢足球和篮球英语  第1张


我会做家务和写自己的衣服但是不会打篮球和踢足球 I can do housework and write my own clothes but I can't play basketball or football 。


网友分享:She joins the school music club, and she can't play basketball, football, can‘t play the drums,either. She studies very well,and I help her learn to play basketball, she help me with my math.。


网友分享:footballs.2. I am not good at basketball, while I am used to watching the match on TV.3. Barry doesn't do sports in the morning.4. I read English every morning beacuse I find it very fascinating.。

他不会打篮球和足球英语,他不喜欢足球和篮球英语  第2张


It is easy for him to play football with friends,It is difficult for him not to play basketball.。


he swims very well,but he doesn't konw how to play basketball 。

他不会打篮球和足球英语,他不喜欢足球和篮球英语  第3张


回答:He traveled to swim very well, but he will not play basketball。

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