

1、雅典奥运会 主题歌 Oceania 的歌词的中文翻译。one breath away from mother oceaníayour nimble feet make prints in my sandsyou have done good for yourselves since you left my wet embrace and crawled ashore every boy, is a snake is a lilyevery。

2、求翻译歌词,是奥运会会歌。Dare to dream-敢于梦想(2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕式歌曲)I am my own believer 我相信自己 in my heart the reason 在我心中 I will follow the light from within 我会追随内心的光芒 I‘m not afraid of weakness 我。

3、奥运会主题歌英文翻译成中文。我和你,心连心,同住地球村,为梦想,千里行,相会在北京。来吧!朋友,伸出你的手,我和你,心连心,永远一家人。You and Me You and me From one world We are family Travel dream A thousand milesMeeting in Be。

4、youandme(我和你)北京奥运主题曲英文歌词。You and Me From one world We are family (你和我,来自同一个世界,我们是一家人)Travel dream (梦想之旅)A thousand miles Meeting in Beijing (跨越千里,最终相会在北京)Come together (相聚一起)Put your 。

5、伦敦奥运圣火传递歌曲《燃烧火焰》(Flame)歌词中英文。Closeyoureyes,givemeyourhand,darling Doyoufeelmyheartbeating?Doyouunderstand?Doyoufeelthesame?AmIonlydreaming?Isthisburninganeternalflame Ibelieveit’smeanttobe,darling Iwatchyouwhenyouaresleeping Youbelongwithme Doyou。


1、奥运主题歌《我和你》里的中文部分翻译为英文,原文翻译的不是很好。The friend, stretches out your hand, I and you, heart linked to heart, forever whole family。(Sarah。 Breiman) You and MeFrom one worldWe are familyTravel dreamA thousand milesMeeting in。

2、谁能帮我翻译一下中文,是奥运会歌词。Through flame union world now is celebration’s time lets our sound hear to bring through flame union world our we to be able together to plant forest we to be able to establish on a dry upward river bed。

奥运会歌曲英语版歌词翻译_英语版小星星歌曲歌词  第1张

3、汉城奥运会主题歌《hand in hand》的歌词翻译是什么?1988 汉城奥运会主题曲 we see the fire in the sky we fell the beating of our hearts together this is our time, to rise above we know the chance is here to live forever for all time hand in hand we 。

奥运会歌曲英语版歌词翻译_英语版小星星歌曲歌词  第2张

4、日落滑铁卢英中文歌词~伦敦奥运会闭幕式歌曲!流入夜色里 People so busy, makes me feel dizzy 人们很忙碌,让我感到眩晕 Taxi light shines so bright 的士的车灯很明亮 But I don't need no friends 不过我,我不要没有朋友 As long as I gaze on Waterloo 。

奥运会歌曲英语版歌词翻译_英语版小星星歌曲歌词  第3张

5、谁有1988年汉城奥运会主题歌“手拉手”的英文版歌词?意大利英文版:see the fire in the sky we feel the beating of our hearts together this is our time to rise above we know the chance is here to live forever for all time hand in hand we stand all 。

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