

1、小学奥运会英语作文 中文翻译30字以内。Great Olympics“, Beijing promises to host a ”Green Olympics“, a ”Hi-tech Olympics“ and the ”People‘s Olympics"。Chinese

2、关于北京奥运会的英语作文,要求有翻译。The Olympic Games is very spectacularity。It has Bird’s Nest and Water Cube。Bird‘s Nset and Water Cube。 And their have one handred eighty-six world everywhere country come take part in。奥运会 你去过北京。

3、急求初一水平英语作文;北京奥运会,要过去式的,60单词左右,最好带翻译。New Beijing, Great Olympics The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the fo。

北京奥运会英汉作文比赛_北京奥运会比赛场馆  第1张


5、北京奥运会英语作文100词加翻译。我们现在就要好好学习,不只局限在书本和课堂,不放弃任何一个学习的机会。我相信,这将是历史上最棒的一次奥运会。我们期盼着。在此,我愿2008的北京奥运会举办成功,愿2008的北京将会带给祖国辉煌的明天 。



2、求一篇关于北京奥运中国男篮的英语作文(150-200words)。Price of the tickets of the men’s basketball final match has vaulted to over 10 times of the original price。Basketball has arguably become the most popular sport in China as soccer was haunted by corruptions。

北京奥运会英汉作文比赛_北京奥运会比赛场馆  第2张

3、关于北京奥运会的英语作文70词左右。写作思路:北京奥运是中国人的骄傲,同时北京奥运也是让世界瞩目的盛会,写出自己的观点和看法。正文:China is an ancient civilization with a long history of 5000 years and fine traditions。 There are many historical 。

4、关于奥运会的英语作文。This simple ten words, give infinite power of Chinese people, especially for I but the speech is also a kind of strong spirit to encourage, this is the slogan of the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings。The 。

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5、急求8篇关于北京奥运会比赛项目英语作文。奥运会火炬传递口号:“点燃激情、传递梦想”--Light the Passion Share the Dream Olympic Summer Sports The IOC recognised sports that participate in the summer Olympic Games。射箭 Archery 田径 Athletics 羽毛球 。

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