

1、采访稿 翻译。Dear Mu Total:Hello!“Oriental culture” magazine attached to the China Textile Industry Association, director of the People‘s Republic of Press and Publication Administration formally approved for the domestic and fo。

2、求高手将一篇中文访谈翻译成英文。Jackie Chan: Yes, I never refuse to use a substitute。 Now my body is hurt: blue eyes had been hit, nose, chin and cheek were also interrupted, cleft upper lip had his hands burnt, neck sprain before,

3、帮忙翻译一篇采访稿(高中生)。Reporter : Hello, Addison students in the just concluded chess competitions, you have the title of the Chess King, how do you feel now?Addison : Will were very excited, I really do not know what words a。

4、请哪位英语爆强的人帮我翻译一下这段采访稿吧!我很急需的呀!没有它。The English broadcast program of today we are very happy to invite my school two a column eyes which comes from an Australia to teach teacher Mr。XXX outside to do this period in height。Q:I hear your ha。

2022奥运会采访稿英文翻译_奥运会英雄有哪些英文翻译  第1张

5、英语采访稿要怎么写。Michael: I ‘m happy to play with all the players, because they had a great team……。 not one, two, three…。(大家注意!这句话是熊的金字招牌~~前后超猛重复~太可爱拉!~) …。good players ,all, all,

2022奥运会采访稿英文翻译_奥运会英雄有哪些英文翻译  第2张


1、谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这篇采访稿。Christmas in the deepest impression on how the flies? (Time? Place? And Who?2, planned for this year how it? (Time? Place? Who?)Time: Christmas Eve Location: not to good, Shenzhen, there are many 。

2、关于杨利伟的采访稿(英文)。How they are selected, will be faced with what kind of a challenge, and the generation of Chinese excellent ten years, they have the astronauts in god, and god in five aspects, and god seven of their 。

2022奥运会采访稿英文翻译_奥运会英雄有哪些英文翻译  第3张

3、英文翻译 写一篇采访稿 几句话 谢谢。 Interview Summary xx has a very high reputation in surgery field for it’s high-quality, continuously innovative product line。 In other to know about xx more, we interviewed xxx What is the 。

4、急求杨澜访谈科比的文字记录 英文版。而我们轮到了,我们都很振奋,对我们这来说是一个很好的机会,能够在奥运会的舞台上展示自己。杨澜:你听没听说姚明说的关于这第一场比赛的话。科比:没听说。杨澜:他说要是这次中国队赢了美国队的话他就要退役了。科。

5、帮忙翻译一篇英文采访稿。翻译的最好简单一点。Q2: as an english teacher, what do you proud of most?Q3: when you teach english, do you have any difficulty?Q4: now many students can get a high score, but they can just speak a little。 What is 。

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