

1、谁帮忙写8个关于北京奥运的英文句子…。Beijing Olympic Games has left us with a much better 北京奥运会给我们留下了太多的美好 China's diving team in successive Olympic Games made outstanding achievements known as Dream Team 中国的跳水队在历届奥。

2、给我5个关于奥运会精神的英语句子。1、Faster, higher, stronger更快、更高、更强 2、Self-confidence, self-reliance, self-esteem自信、自强、自尊 3、Unity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams团结、友谊、进步、和谐、参与、梦想

3、为中国加油,为奥运喝彩!翻译句子。refuel for China and cheer for the Olympic!

为奥运点赞的句子英文_叫人帮忙点赞的句子  第1张

4、59个关于奥运的英语句子。7 Would you like to drink something, coffee, tea or cola? 您想喝点儿什么,咖啡、茶,还是可乐? 78。 Tea is fine with me。 Thank you。 喝茶就行了。谢谢! 79。 Help yourself to some fruits。 请随便吃点儿水果。 80。

5、关于奥运会的英语句子。Chinese team won the most gold modals in this Olympic Games。Chinese team made a great acheivement in this Olympic Games。The Olympic Games bring us a lot of wonderful moments。

为奥运点赞的句子英文_叫人帮忙点赞的句子  第2张


1、谁知道关于奥运的好句子?(急需)。Did you watch the Olympic trials yesterday 兴奋剂是奥运会的理想相违背的。 The doping is a cancer on the ideal of the Olympic Games 现代奥运起源于古希腊的运动会。 The modern Olympic Games were inspired by th。

为奥运点赞的句子英文_叫人帮忙点赞的句子  第3张

2、急!英文达人翻译句子!Every morning, you will see many students in front of the teaching building is very fascinating listening to foreign radio services。If you want to come to the party, please tell me in advance。He 。

3、用八句英语句子介绍一下奥林匹克运动会 并带上翻译 用高一生掌握的词汇。a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008。 People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it。There are five rings on the Olympic 。

4、关于北京奥运会的句子翻译。很高兴为你解答!The athletes tried their best to fight for their own countries‘glories。At that time,our hearts were linked up。We can’t know how much energy he put into the “blossoming” at that 。

5、请把这篇文章翻译成英文,谢谢啦!(要没有单词和语法错误,句子不要太复。13 years old this year, and our age, she is good at singing, dancing, calligraphy and piano。 Lin wonderful can be busy, but she still study hard, has obtained the good result, this is not worth us t。

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