

网友分享:Volleyball (volleyball) movement originated from the United States. In 1895, the United States massa bead plug Holly york city states, a man named William cover · sports official invention of Morgan.The first 。


Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play volleyball. There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week. In 1895, 。

英文作文排球训练目标  第1张


The sport originated in the United States,and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S.that it has received on a global basis,where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports.Toda。


play baseball 。


I joined the school volleyball team. It’s such an excellent team that I have a great time. I practice with my team mates every afternoon. And we have played many matches together. Except the awards we 。

英文作文排球训练目标  第2张


中国女排的成功之路的作文如下。The success of the Chinese women's volleyball team is not easy. They have made a lot of efforts in the classroom. Chinese women's volleyball team has long-term training every 。


我喜欢打排球 I Like Playing Volleyball I like playing volleyball that it’s my favorite sport. Since I learned to play volleyball in PE two years ago, I was badly interested in it. Therefore, I learned 。

英文作文排球训练目标  第3张

7、都要写排球的 各130字左右的英语作文 谢谢!

I am an active young student , i like exercise.I like playing volleyball,it is my favourite sports ,everyday i go with my friends to play volleyball. more exerise have good for our healthy.many people。


篇一:练排球 做完早操后,我以为可以自由活动了,不用练排球了,可是谁知体育老师已经牢牢盯住了我们几个,使我们插翅难飞,我们只好到体育室里拿来排球。我们一脸无奈,慢吞吞地走在通往操场的小道上。任老师瞧见我们。


I joined the school volleyball team.It’s such an excellent team that I have a great time.I practice with my team mates every afternoon.And we have played many matches together.Except the awards we get,I。

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