Tennis, is a kind of sports interesting but expensive。 because you have to buy the pat and balls before you play it, especially the pat is rather expensive, it probably cost you several hundred yuan or ev。
网友分享:The tennis movement is liked deeply the people, extremely rich pleasure sports。It not only is one kind whiles away the time, one kind improves one‘s health way, also is one kind of art pursues and enjoy。
2、写一篇 关于网球的英语作文 1:孙甜甜和李婷得北京奥运会女子双打冠军
网友分享:I used to show no interest in tennis。 But even since Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won the Doubles championship in 2008 Olympic games。 Playing tennis is also good for your health。 字数有限,楼主参考下~。
My favorite sport Tennis,the sport of gentry。I never heared this game before untill I saw it on TV。When I first saw this game,I thought it is very cool eventhough I can’t understand the rule of this。
one kind issimilar to the present Ping-Pong paddle wooden racket is used in thetennis competition, to 1500 when also improves for the handle iswooden, but the racket head wraps with the sheep internal organs。
I am so lucky to have some friends who share the same interest with me。当谈到运动的时候,我会感到很兴奋,因为我很喜欢运动,我喜欢打网球,这是我最喜欢的运动。我记得有一天当我放学回家后,我打开了电视机,看。
网友分享:In fact, Ma's father, the former South Vietnam Jiro is also the world number one tennis level of short-lived, in the United States had won the championship, because Ma was born to find a new goal, 。
好处:网球是项有氧和无氧交替的运动,所以网球可以最大限度的使希望锻炼身体的人得到不同层面的满足:打网球可以健身,减肥塑身保持健康 坏处:容易造成运动损伤,比如网球肘、腱鞘炎等。打球费用较高,球馆场地、球、。