网友分享:The tennis movement is liked deeply the people, extremely rich pleasure sports。It not only is one kind whiles away the time, one kind improves one‘s health way, also is one kind of art pursues and enjoy。
1、用英文介绍网球 不要太详细的
is now popular all over the world, known as the world’s first two great ball games。翻译过来:网球是一项优美而激烈的运动,网球运动的由来和发展可以用四句话来概括:孕育在法国,诞生在英国,开始普及和形成高潮在。
网友分享:Tennis is the turn of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, the tennis can hope to make the maximum exercise of the people to be at different levels to meet: I hope that the body can be to play tennis body 。
网球是项有氧和无氧交替的运动,所以网球可以最大限度的使希望锻炼身体的人得到不同层面的满足:打网球可以健身,减肥塑身保持健康 坏处:容易造成运动损伤,比如网球肘、腱鞘炎等。打球费用较高,球馆场地、球、球拍、。
高三英语作文 篇1 I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends。 My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings。
我最喜欢的运动是打网球,网球给我的生活带来了很多的乐趣,我可以一边和朋友愉快地聊天,一边看网球比赛。做运动可以改善我的健康状况,让我与时俱进。When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I 。
毫无疑问,我是网球运动的超级粉丝。我在网球中找到了很多乐趣,网球也丰富了我的生活。 高三英语作文 篇4 It’s our duty to protect he environment。 As we all know, with the global warming and energy consumption, the environm。
毫无疑问,我是网球运动的超级粉丝。我在网球中找到了很多乐趣,网球也丰富了我的生活。 高三英语作文 篇3 Notice A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5。 Problems to be 。
毫无疑问,我是网球运动的超级粉丝。我在网球中找到了很多乐趣,网球也丰富了我的生活。 高三英语作文 篇3 I like reading in my free time。 I've read all kinds of books which are written by many famous writers from all ove。