詹姆斯于1984年12月30日出生于俄亥俄州的阿克伦。詹姆斯于高中时期即展露出其惊人的篮球天份,詹姆斯毕业于圣文森特-圣马里(St。 Vincent-St。 Mary HS)高中,高中时期连续三次获得俄亥俄州高中篮球先生,并且带领圣文森特-圣马里中学四年里三次。
范文:Michael Jordan, born in Brooklyn, New York on February 17, 1963, is a former American professional basketball player, a professional point guard, nicknamed “Air Jordan”, and now the owner of the Charlo。
Shaquille O ‘ Neal was born on March 6, 1972 in Newark, New Jersey。 Step-father of Xia Lixun o ’ Neill (Philip Harrison) in the army when he was two years old, due to relieve often, so he needs 。
3、求一篇英语作文 你最喜爱的篮球运动员70~120 字 高中水平
The basketball player I like best The basketball player I like best is Yi Jianlian。 Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) in 2002 and subsequ。
介绍篮球英语作文篇一 As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers。why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be 。
The famous basketball star? let me tell you!著名的篮球明星?让我告诉你!YaoMing was born on December 12,1980 in China。姚明于1980年12月12日出生在中国。He is 2.26m tall。他身高2.26米。when he was 18 。
My favorite basketball star is yaoming。He is very tall and strong。He is nick name is mingwang。He is form NBA The rockets team。Heis height is 226 cm He is biethday is on september twelth。He is wife。
可以不?有字数限制 。
then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you 。
too。 Let’s play basketball together。 OK?我最喜欢的运动是篮球,每天早上我在我们学校体育馆打篮球。我的体育老师告诉我说打篮球会让我长高而且变的强壮。因为我篮球打得好,所以现在我是我们学校篮球队的成员。我比以前。