网友分享:英文介绍:Table tennis is a popular sport in the world. Table tennis ball, the game to 11 points as a board, using five games three wins or four games seven wins.中文翻译:乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类。
网友分享:关于乒乓球的英文介绍:Table tennis is a worldwide popular sport, including attack, confrontation and defense. The competition is divided into groups, singles and doubles. Table tennis is China's national sport.。
在19世纪的后半叶,乒乓球就以其现在的名字或其他商业名流行于英国,比如: GOSSIMA, WHIFF-WHAFF。而当乒乓这个名字被J.Jaques&Son引进之后,乒乓球就开始越来越受欢迎。Now, competitive table tennis is popular in Asi。
4、乒乓球介绍 英语
网友分享:The ping-pong introduce The ping-pong originates England of the 70's in 19 centuries, Be a kind of athletics item that replaces recreational sport of the lawn tennis of the leisure time.Today, the ping-。
5、乒乓球介绍 英语 写一篇英文的乒乓球的介绍,急用
Enlish:The ping-pong introduce The ping-pong originates England of the 70's in 19 centuries,Be a kind of athletics item that replaces recreational sport of the lawn tennis of the leisure time.Today,t。
6、跪求关于乒乓球运动的PPT 带英语解释的
网友分享:中台 middle court 反手抽球 backhand drive 近台 short court 反手扣球 backhand smash 中线 center 反手直线球 back straight 台角 corner of table 反手弧圈球 backhand loop drive 网柱 pole 两面攻、左右开攻 attack on。
朋友你要的是用英语翻译的乒乓去打法的演讲吧?直拍左推右攻结合反面攻 以刘国梁为代表的一批年轻快攻型选手,在继承和发展中国传统的直拍近台快攻打法的基础上,创新运用反手“直拍横打”新技术,成为中国快攻的凶狠派,在。
乒乓球英语:ping-pong; pingpong ; [体]table tennis; table tennis ball; ping-pong ball;例句:1会见后,我们在在打乒乓球。After we met atthe ping-pong.2你眼睛是乒乓球还是怎么的?You got a ping-pongfor 。
Part 1 The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史 Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of 。