

原创 2025-02-07 03:46:19 浏览(10727) 评论(0)
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1、用英文介绍奥运冠军并加中文翻译?Chinese weightlifter Hou Zhihui won the women‘s 49kg title at Tokyo 2020 on Saturday with an Olympic record result of 210kg (snatch 94kg, jerk 116kg)。 This is the first gold medal in weightlifting 。

2、东京奥运会英语作文范文。东京奥运会英语作文范文In other years, the Olympic Games are accompanied - a strong youth makes the world strong, winning gold and silver to create brilliance。 A nation that despises sports is a backward nation, a。

3、奥运金牌英文。奥运金牌在英语中通常被称为“Olympic gold medal”,其中“Olympic”表示奥运会,“gold”表示金牌,“medal”表示奖牌。下面将介绍这个词汇的具体用法和相关表达方式。Olympic gold medal“Olympic gold medal”是奥运会中获得。

4、东京奥运会英语作文【五篇】。东京奥运会英语作文Recently, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games came to an end amid the reluctance of audiences all over the world。 Looking back at the Olympic Games, Chinese Olympic athletes worked hard and left many wo。

5、2021年东京奥运会英语作文【精选3篇】。3.2021年东京奥运会英语作文 “I want the five-star red flag to fly in Tokyo! Let the National Anthem ring in the Olympic Games“ At the Tokyo Olympic Games, Chinese Olympic athletes stood up and won 。

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1、2021东京奥运会英语作文【六篇】。6.2021东京奥运会英语作文The quadrennial Olympic Games began again。 Due to the epidemic, the Tokyo Olympic Games, which should have opened in 2020, was moved to this year。 The men’s singles gold medal of table tenni。

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2、2021东京奥运会英语作文。4.2021东京奥运会英语作文 After a year's delay, the Tokyo Olympic Games with the slogan of ”passion party" will officially open this week。 Due to the epidemic situation, this Olympic Games will be held 。

3、东京奥运会奖牌是什么样的?东京奥运会奖牌直径85毫米,金牌银牌铜牌分别重556g、550g、450g。正面的设计元素包含雅典神话中的胜利女神尼姬像(位于泛雅典娜体育场前)、第32届奥运会官方英文名称(Games of the XXXII Olympiad Tokyo 2020)和奥运五环。

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4、关于2021年东京奥运会英语作文。【 #英语资源# 导语】第32届夏季奥林匹克运动会,简称2020年东京奥运会,是由日本奥林匹克委员会举办的国际性运动会,于2021年7月23日开幕、8月8日闭幕。参赛国家或地区总数达204个,共11669名参赛运动员;共有33个大项、339个小项。

