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英语作文我的梦想是成为一个篮球运动员例句:It has always been my dream to be a professional basketball player.当职业篮球运动员一直是我的梦想。Every director would dream of having his own theatre.每一位。

1、英语作文 my dream 成为nba球员

网友分享:My Dream of NBA Everyone cherishes his ideals and we strive,in one way or another,to realize our ideals.One should be sensible whether one's ideal is realistic or not.If it is,one has to plan and wor。


My ideal Dear teacher,thank you for your help,today I want to talk sth with you.You know,I like sport ,expecilly I love basketball very much,it plays an important place in my life,so I can`t lose 。

3、我想当一名篮球运动员 英语作文

The teacher said, without ideal, there is like a ship without nuclear power, will never sail. Everyone has his own ideal, some people want to be a scientist; Some people want to be a doctor; Some peopl。

梦想篮球明星作文英语,英语作文我的梦想篮球运动员  第1张

4、作文my dream job,80词,篮球运动员

I want to be a basketball player because I like watch NBA and my favorite basketball player is XXX(名字你随便想).I like him because he is cool,and always does well in every matches!I will work hard 。

5、我最喜欢的篮球明星林书豪 英语作文 要求:1. 林书豪,美国华裔,1988年8



so he needs a regular move. Young Neill has been longer than other children of the same age too tall and big, also very playful, often the lessons by his father. Father at the age of 13 he started t。

梦想篮球明星作文英语,英语作文我的梦想篮球运动员  第2张


I want to be a professional basketball player. And I’d like to play on China’s national basketball team one day. Because it can keep me healthy. I will be very famous and everyone will know me. But。

8、《我的理想职业做一名篮球运动员 》 英语作文

比我大一岁。我们都努力学习。我擅长物理,但她擅长数学。我们经常互相帮助上课。我们俩都喜欢帮助别人。我们都很喜欢运动。吉姆喜欢打篮球, 但我喜欢苍白的足球。她喜欢绿色,但我喜欢红色。我们很坚强,我们是好朋友。

梦想篮球明星作文英语,英语作文我的梦想篮球运动员  第3张

9、my dream 英语作文(有关篮球的)

这个dream可以这样写,我的梦想是长大后当一名出色的篮球运动员。它的翻译是:My dream is to be an excellent basketball player when I grow up.。