网友分享:In 1873, the English major Walter Wingfield in a mission in India, answering to the bored English ladies who had nothing to do, studied the games that had come before tennis and changed their rules。 In1874。
网友分享:Tennis is a game played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles)。 Players use a stringed racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt (most of the time yell。
网友分享:certainly it is one kind of exciting competition project。Plays tennis, civilized, lofty, the movement is exquisite, splits out one time every time the good shot, all can make one feel excitedly exceptionally。
网友分享:Tennis is a beautiful and intense campaign : the sport's origin and development can be summed up in four sentences : bred in France, was born in England, began to popularize and reach a peak in the Unit。
the English kings quite is interested,issues an order to construct in the room in the palace the tenniscourt。 Latter with hoodwinked the sheepskin wooden racket to replacethe palm of the hand。 The 16~17 cen。
网友分享:以下是青学网球社社员个人资料 越前龙马 (ECHIZEN RYOMA) 继承“天衣无缝”血统的日本网坛风云儿。他的双瞳将捕捉全世界,降临在日本的网球天才。拥有出类拔萃的网球球感和超强球技的网球天才少年。喜怒不形于色,经常表现出看似‘臭屁’。
7、网球 英文简介
1。网球,tennis ball,ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis。2。Tennis is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court。The players use an oval bat with strings across it to。
9、写一篇 关于网球的英语作文 1:孙甜甜和李婷得北京奥运会女子双打冠军
网友分享:I used to show no interest in tennis。 But even since Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won the Doubles championship in 2008 Olympic games。 Playing tennis is also good for your health。 字数有限,楼主参考下~。